Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Building stuff

This is the first house I buil in second life

This is a giant ramp that James B and I made for our car

This is the island after we finished building

This is the second room I made when I knew how to do textures better

My rotating helix

The lesson where we had to use a rotating script to make something rotate.

At first I wanted to make the rotating snake statue from Ninja Gaiden but it was too tricky.
I cant find a pic of it for the blog but basically it's two snakes curled around each other and facing each other with orbs floating and orbiting inside their coil.

So I settled for making a helix from the human genome, or animal, I think everyone has them.

It is an animated gif, but it's not looped. (sorry) but if you view it in it's own window and keep refreshing it'll animate

Shirt Designs

The other day we had to upload t-shirts. I had done this before but I uploaded two other shirts and probably broke some copyright laws while doing it.

Who doesn't love Ghostbusters

Bowser Jr from Yoshi Island

My FBI Shirt


Dear Chloe.I fear my days are numbered in this vile city.

Each day starts in the same grooling way. Loud sirens from the refineries echo from miles away but still manage to wake everyone in my apartment block followed by a wave of obnoxious heat that strips the paint off all the surrounding, already tarnished walls.

I can barely shower in the morning due to our level 20 water restrictions. Lord Mayor Williams So, the descendant of John So, has installed new water saving technology. Pumps that refine septic water into a drinkable substance, but I wouldn’t really call it water. He also upgraded water meters to be able to switch off my usage of what little usage we’re allowed.

Not only are the trains so packed you can barely move, they don’t stop, and I have to jump out at my station and prey for a safe landing. When I make my way towards the exit I’m bombarded with these new machines that the were created by merchants to sell their wares, but have gone corrupt and are now so pushy that they box you in and you can’t get out. I’m so sick of being offered a mix of condoms and clams.

When I finally make it outside alive I have to cross the Yarra, which is a task in its own. All the old bridges are now made of some weird light substance that turns on and off at a flick of a switch. Well if only they responded to our input, but it’s more like they do it when they like, as if the bridges have a mind of its own. About 6 times out of ten I’m crossing a bridge and it turns off.
If I’m unlucky enough to fall off, I’m welcomed by cold and repulsive stench and substance that almost glues to my body. While swimming down stream to get to the bank, as there are no ladders to pull yourself up and out, I have to avoid the giant cyborg squid that has made the Yarra its home. I remember one instance that it grabbed my ankle and dragged me under. I found the courage to open my eyes in the dark and dank liquid only to see it’s many limbs hanging onto dead patrons and large objects like trams and rubbish bins.
I somehow managed to find one of the cyborgs remaining organic eye and gave it a nasty jab with the knife that I carry for self protection.

When I’m finish cheating death and have crossed the Yarra, I stroll casually into
work. I still can’t believe what I’m forced into doing for a living, I have to build and maintain those crazy sprooking robots that attack passengers on the train platforms.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Thursday, 9th of August 2007

This is my b-e-a-u-tiful box.
Uploading images, I did it before but good to refresh my memory.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Thursday, 9th of August 2007

This is me in second life, it look more like me until I uploaded that F.B.I shirt, then I turned him in to a daigo bogan.

This is me, in first life. I gotta little stubble in this pic, but meh.

Honestly it doesn't pahse me, taking a photo in real life or second life.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Thursday, 2nd of August 2007

Second Life place reviews

Asteroid Blues Space Station Entertainment Centre

This place looks kinda cool, but there was not much room to move.
While it looked spacey and cool, it was one giant shopping centre trying to sell super hero costumes. While it would have been cool to dress up in a Star Trek uniform that would rival Shatner's, they were a bit pricy (Well hell, I dunno, but I bet I could just upload a texture that looks just as good).
I don't think I'll be coming back.

Holland Beach / Royal Dutch Dancing World

This place is a swinging pad
I dont see why people would log online to dance when they can stand up and just do it. It has vibrant colours and has a really cool robot waiter, and you can get money for doing nothing... >_>
But it's flooded with people doing corney dances and trying to get cash. I couldn't stand there without some dude running up to me and dirty dancing on me.
Again I don't think I'll be coming back.

Iron Games

This place seemed really cool and fun at first.
But then everything cost money so I got bored real quick.
I couldn't ride the bumber cars so I whipped out my own car and rammed them, that was fun, but no one else was there so I just rammed empty carts. Overall it looked nice and welcoming. I didn't like it how you have to pay for everything, and the prices were inconsistant. I might come back when I get rich (or die trying).

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Thursday, 19th, 2007

Today we had to log onto SecondLife again.
After forgetting my old password and failing to guess my old "secret question" I had to create a new character, "ACDC Lane".

Didn't do anything to major, just wondering around getting used to the environment.
Not very mentally stimulating but it was cool when Dale gave me some cash to create my own T-Shirt. (thanks Dale)

-Joel Venables