Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Thursday, 9th of August 2007

This is my b-e-a-u-tiful box.
Uploading images, I did it before but good to refresh my memory.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Thursday, 9th of August 2007

This is me in second life, it look more like me until I uploaded that F.B.I shirt, then I turned him in to a daigo bogan.

This is me, in first life. I gotta little stubble in this pic, but meh.

Honestly it doesn't pahse me, taking a photo in real life or second life.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Thursday, 2nd of August 2007

Second Life place reviews

Asteroid Blues Space Station Entertainment Centre

This place looks kinda cool, but there was not much room to move.
While it looked spacey and cool, it was one giant shopping centre trying to sell super hero costumes. While it would have been cool to dress up in a Star Trek uniform that would rival Shatner's, they were a bit pricy (Well hell, I dunno, but I bet I could just upload a texture that looks just as good).
I don't think I'll be coming back.

Holland Beach / Royal Dutch Dancing World

This place is a swinging pad
I dont see why people would log online to dance when they can stand up and just do it. It has vibrant colours and has a really cool robot waiter, and you can get money for doing nothing... >_>
But it's flooded with people doing corney dances and trying to get cash. I couldn't stand there without some dude running up to me and dirty dancing on me.
Again I don't think I'll be coming back.

Iron Games

This place seemed really cool and fun at first.
But then everything cost money so I got bored real quick.
I couldn't ride the bumber cars so I whipped out my own car and rammed them, that was fun, but no one else was there so I just rammed empty carts. Overall it looked nice and welcoming. I didn't like it how you have to pay for everything, and the prices were inconsistant. I might come back when I get rich (or die trying).